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Member Handbook

Are you a musician wanting to play in the Fermi Community Orchestra or
Fermi Community Strings? Please read through the Member Handbook before
registering for each session. 

General Membership Requirements

  • At least 18 years old.

  • Appropriate proficiency on your instrument.

  • Commitment to attend rehearsals, prepare your parts to the best of your ability, and attend performances.



There are no auditions required for membership, except in the appointment of principal players. Members who join the orchestra are expected to be proficient enough on their instruments to learn and perform the music at an appropriate level during the 7- or 8-week rehearsal period allotted, and positively contribute to the success of the program.


Participation Fees

The FCO and FCS are volunteer adult ensembles funded by member participation fees and by contributions from members and the community. We rely on these fees and contributions to provide the tools and facilities to rehearse and perform free concerts to the community, invite guest artists, and bring in top professional instrumental clinicians for specialized training. The Fermi Community Orchestra will never turn away an interested musician due to financial hardship. Participation fees for the 2024-2025 season are $75 per concert session and are due prior to the second rehearsal. There are no pro-rated fees, e.g., for members who do not perform all of the repertoire in a given concert cycle due to reduced orchestration. There are no refunds of participation fees once paid, however, if a musician withdraws before the start of a concert cycle, a full or partial refund may be offered. The treasurer handles all transactions and communications regarding participation fees.

Ready to register for the Fall 2024 Session?

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